Sunday Jan 28, 2018
You are What You Tweet
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Created in January 2018 in the middle of the administration of the 45th president of the U.S.
It’s difficult to maintain a peaceful spirit while scrolling through the current news stories on social media. This episode provides strategies on how to deal with the state of our country, social media, and our president. Note: In this episode I take a most definite political stance. If that offends you, don’t listen. Peace.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more information, blog posts, affirmations and show notes on the website: http://www.thepeaceful.life
Please SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Monday Jan 22, 2018
On Sarah Silverman and being Mindfully Kind
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
How to approach those people who piss you off by being mindfully kind, something that comedian Sarah Silverman did just recently with one of her haters.
*Note: explicit language in this episode.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more information, blog posts, affirmations and show notes on the website: http://www.thepeaceful.life
Please SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss an episode.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Listener Mail #1
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Our first listener feedback episode! Thank you to those who have taken the time to write and let me know that The Peaceful Life podcast is changing your life for the better.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more information, blog posts, affirmations and show notes on the website: https://www.thepeaceful.life
Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode!
Have feedback? Email me at podcast@thepeaceful.life
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
A Morning Meditation
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
A short morning meditation that you can do daily, with affirmations for starting your day with peace and positivity.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, visualizations, meditations, and inspiration to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more episodes on our website at http://www.thepeaceful.life
Here are the affirmations included in this episode, if you want to recite them yourself:
- Let’s be thankful that you are alive to face another sunrise. Be grateful for your home, your food, your job, your loved ones. Thank yourself for creating such a wonderful life, and know how wealthy you are in spirit, love, and health.
- You will execute all your tasks today with peace and joy. You won't rush; you'll meet all deadlines. You'll accomplish all that you seek to accomplish.
- You will treat each person you communicate with, with respect and empathy. Even if a person is harsh or irritates you. Remember, everyone carries around their own private pain and fears. Instead of reacting, just be kind.
- You will give one gift today--whether it’s a smile, or your time, or a compliment--to someone who needs it. You’ll know who and when.
- You'll recognize the gifts others bestow upon you. And you'll be thankful in the moment.
- You will live life slowly enough to recognize all the blessings from Mother Earth. The lovely trees, the flowers, even the weather.
- You will face challenges objectively, and will always be able to figure out a solution. You’re smart that way.
- And most importantly, you'll be kind to yourself. You are the only one in the whole wide world like you. You are a spectacular human being.
Now you may wake up and face your day!
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Release the Darts (What People Think of You - Part 2)
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Tuesday Jan 09, 2018
Part II: A visualization to take you through releasing the "darts" or negative comments/criticisms people have imposed upon you throughout your lifetime. You are the only one that can create your path and form your own identity.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, visualizations, meditations, and inspiration to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more episodes on our website at http://www.thepeaceful.life
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
What People Think of You
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Saturday Jan 06, 2018
Do you internalize the negativity that people impose upon you? Do you believe what people say about you?
Listen to the first part of "What People Think About You" to release those habits. You are the only one that can create your path and form your own identity.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, visualizations, meditations, and inspiration to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find more episodes on our website at http://www.thepeaceful.life
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Support the series with a one-time or monthly donation at http://patreon.com/peaceful.
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Visualization for a New Year
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
A visualization to face the new year with peace and love.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations to help return your life to peace and joy.
Show notes, additional posts, and references can be found on the website http://thepeaceful.life
Please SUBSCRIBE so that you don't miss an episode.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Saturday Dec 16, 2017
Go to Sleep
Saturday Dec 16, 2017
Saturday Dec 16, 2017
A guided relaxation to help you fall asleep. Adjust your audio so that my voice is at a soft, comfortable level.
Because this exercise is designed to help you fall asleep, do not listen to this episode while driving a moving vehicle or doing anything that requires your attention.
If you find you're still awake after you finish the Reverse Alphabet, then start over at Z and recite the alphabet backwards, again, in your head until you fall asleep. Usually you'll be out by the middle of the second round!
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations to help return your life to peace and joy.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Show notes, additional posts, and references can be found on the website http://thepeaceful.life
Please SUBSCRIBE so that you don't miss an episode.
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Simplifying Your Life
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Thoughts and strategies on simplifying your environment and decluttering your home.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations, to bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find show notes about this episode and other information on our website: http://thepeaceful.life. Please SUBSCRIBE to this series so you don't miss an episode.
Recommended book: Clutter Busting by Brooks Palmer.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
For the love of Trees
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
A short episode in appreciation of trees.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, inspiration, and affirmations, to bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find show notes about this episode and other information on our website: http://thepeaceful.life.
Please SUBSCRIBE to this series so you don't miss an episode.
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Introduction to The Peaceful Life
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a series of stories, interviews, visualizations, meditations, and inspiration to help you bring your life back to peace and joy.
You can find affirmations, extra posts, and show notes on the website: http://www.thepeaceful.life
If you have feedback about any of the shows, feel free to email me at podcast@thepeaceful.life
Follow the show on Facebook at: https://facebook.com/peacefulpodcast
The Peaceful Life Podcast is a production of Metta Yosemite - a mind/body/spirit wellness center in Oakhurst, California near Yosemite National Park. Yoga, Meditation, Art & Magical Gifts!